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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Kết quả 1-12 trong khoảng 3
This report examines the current trends and dynamics that promote and jeopardize the achievement of the SDGs. It presents the TWI2050 framework, the integrated pathways which harness the synergies and multiple benefits across SDGs, and approaches to governing this sustainability transformation. TWI2050 identifies six exemplary transformations which will allow achieving the SDGs and long-term sustainability to 2050 and beyond: i) Human capacity...
157 p apd 28/11/2023 95 0
This publication is the result of the fruitful two years of productive cooperation of the members of the Joint UNECE/OECD/Eurostat Working Group on Statistics for Sustainable Development and its Steering Committee, chaired by Robert Smith from Statistics Canada. The work has benefited from the valuable contributions by the members of the Working Group who actively participated in the meetings. During the course of the work, many members of the...
114 p apd 28/11/2023 101 0
Basic Principles of Sustainable Development
This paper will appear in The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Portions of the paper will also appear in Jonathan Harris, Timothy Wise, Kevin Gallagher and Neva Goodwin eds., A Survey of Sustainable Development: Social and Economic Dimensions, Volume 6 in the series Frontier Issues in Economic Thought (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2001).
26 p apd 28/11/2023 96 0
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